Sunday, 18 December 2011

Catering to the Needs of Changing Demographics


The South Asian market is emerging just as the Chinese market is in the GTA. Over the past couple of weeks of working with Sensu and searching of related news articles for the blog, I've noticed a number of articles about the Chinese and South Asian markets. Whether it was about the growth of these two markets or the idea of businesses having culturally targeted campaigns, they were definitely mentioned.

An article called, "Langar on Wheels rolls out to Punjabi community" describes an elderly couple who have trouble making home-cooked foods, but are hesistant to sign up for the local Meals on Wheels program. After eating South Asian food for almost their whole lives, changing their preferences would just be too difficult and ultimately, unsatisfying. As the couple stated, they would rather have "roti with some sabzi (vegetables) and dal (lentils)" over the Meals on Wheels choices of shepherd's pie or beef stew.

The cultural gap of Meals on Wheels offerings and prominent increase of immigrants has pushed the program to provide specific meals for the Chinese, Greek, Italian, and Indian market.

With the changing demographics of the city and Canada in general, businesses (for profit) are not the only ones who must incorporate the multicultural aspect into their products or services. From the article, I can see that programs such as Meals on Wheels are gaining a better understanding of their community and refocusing their services. At the end of the day, the objective really is to meet the needs of changing demographics in our communities and Canada as a whole.


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