If someone asked you to name a Chinese basketball player a few years back, you would have probably said Yao Ming. Fast forward a couple years and now you’ll be saying Jeremy Lin. Gaining attention all over; he has already been a trending topic of Twitter with fans using the hash-tag, “#Linsanity”.
Now who is Jeremy Lin you may ask? He’s an American-born, Harvard graduate, and most importantly… comes from a Chinese/Taiwanese background. If you’re wondering why I said “most importantly”, it’s because his Chinese descent is the “surprise” factor in this success story. Lin basically broke stereotypes just by doing what he loves. I hate to say it but many people stereotype Asians into the volleyball and badminton sports, but Lin is really proving something to the world. To me, he seems to be this shining underdog. With his 38 point winning game over the Lakers recently, he really is opening up eyes all around the world and becoming such an inspiration.
"The Asian American community in the United States possesses certain values which are: Religion, Education, and being a solid citizen, not only does Jeremy possess all of those but he appears to come from the "Asian Dream" — Harvard educated, a rare combination of brains and brawn. He's a wonderful role model for Asian Americans, especially among the young." - Vicki Wong, President & CEO of DAE Advertising
As much as Lin is this great success story, in reality we do live in a capitalistic world. With his talents, intelligence, and role model potential… he does seem to be a perfect candidate for endorsements though. For multicultural marketers of the Chinese community, he would really be the ideal “celebrity” influencer. What more could you ask for?
Lin is really building a sense of excitement and pride for the Chinese community, or even the Asian community as a whole. Its actually amazing how one person can have such a powerful impact on the world. Jeremy Lin is definitely the “next big thing”.
Read more about Jeremy Lin and his endorsement future here: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/jeremy-lin-york-knicks-player-marketing-dream-machine/story?id=15557844
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